Saturday, March 27, 2010

Win $100 Cash?!

I stopped focusing on making New Year's Resolutions, but it is hard not to examine your life as a new year (and decade) begins. In January, I looked for some fugal living blogs. We are working to eliminate all debt besides our mortgage. The two items to pay off include a car loan and my student loan, and both will be paid off in 2011, maybe sooner.

In the past, I read some frugal living websites, but they did not totally fit us. I really want to strive for that balance of saving money and enjoying our lives. I want to find a balance between paying off debt and maintaining/improving our home. I have enjoyed reading The Ultimate Money Blog since January, and now the author is giving away $100. You can learn more about the giveaway here. The deadline to enter is April 15th.

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