Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February Happiness Project

In February, Gretchen Rubin worked on love and marriage for her Happiness Project. She aimed to quit nagging, not expect praise or appreciation, fight right, stop dumping, and give proofs of love.

In my life, I still have not conquered January's happiness resolutions. I am still tackling those nagging tasks, organizing, and attempting to go to bed earlier and exercise more. I am making progress, but I am not ready to move on to February's tasks. I guess that is the difference between writing a book on happiness and just trying to fit more happiness into your regular life.

Over the weekend I stripped some wall paper, cleared out some extra items from Alex's room, took a load of extra stuff to Goodwill and did some yard work. February is a short month, so we will see if I am ready to tackle any new resolutions in March. It may take me the entire year to complete January's resolutions, but an organized house and completing nagging tasks does make me happier.

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