Monday, July 23, 2012

Everyday Photos Part 2

It turns out that I am not the only one taking everyday photos in our family! Alex took 899 photos between last Christmas and July 2012 on his Fisher Price digital camera. John took on the task of uploading them today and shared some on his blog.


Stephanie Medley-Rath said...

My daughter loves her Fisher Price camera. Over the last couple of weeks she has been taking photos of everything (whatever she is watching on TV, making me pose, every character on the computer of a game she enjoys playing). We have an old desktop set-up for her to use and last time I pulled photos from her camera I added them to the desktop so her photos are the screen saver.

Sara said...

Surprisingly, Alex does not have his own computer yet. He likes to look at the photos on my screen saver. I will have to add photos to his computer when he has one in the future.

I want to start journaling a little about each photo in the meta data in case all Alex wants are the electronic versions of our photos in the future.