Sunday, August 15, 2010

one weekend 2 shots (August 14-15)

For the last couple of years I have heard interesting ideas about taking a photo a day to document your life. Some scrapbookers and photographers have done a great job with this. Some call it Photo of the Day (POTD) or Project 365. Check out Becky Higgin's website for a product called Project Life and The Fugal Girl 365 to see how one blogger documents here life in a daily photo. I knew that I would struggle to take a photo everyday, but I might try out Project Life at some point since it is a flexible system. I am a sporadic photographer even though I try to keep my camera handy. Even Ali Edward's A Week in the Life album seemed like too big of a task for me at this time. (Maybe I'll try that one in the future.)

I was listening to my favorite podcast, The Paperclipping Roundtable, when I heard about an idea that might work for me. Dedra Long, scrapbooker and blogger, has started one weekend 2 shots, and I am going to jump in and try this out. I already take most of my photos on the weekend. I love all of the time that I get to spend with my family (and sometimes friends too) on the weekends.

Here is my first installment:
Saturday, August 14, 2010

I had been reorganizing Alex's toys to move out the baby toys that he has outgrown. Even with some toys removed, they were still overflowing the bins that I had in the family room. I stumbled upon this toy shelf on sale at Target, and it has been a great purchase. I enjoy my home more when things are picked up and organized.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It has been hot all summer, but now it is really hot. This is how the dogs are coping with a hot afternoon. This is Paddy's first summer in San Antonio.

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